Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wynyard School Community Partnerships - Exhibition Opening

We would love to officially invite you all to our We Mind Be Kind Wynyard School Community Partnerships Exhibition, this Thursday night at ArtsCape on Jackson St at 6pm.

This evening is to inform community of the We Mind Be Kind Anti Bullying campaign. Come and view art work, film, interactive workshops and pledging, led by local students from Wynyard High School.

We would love to see you there.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Anzara Clark - Temple of Re-Dress Opening and Whorkshop

On Friday night was the opening of Anzara Clark's wearable art exhibition Temple of Re-Dress.

We and a fantastic turn out and there were many mutterings about how amazing the exhibition was. Thankyou to all that braved the cold and showed their support.

The exhibition will be a open for viewing until Thursday 2nd of July - (Closed Sunday/Monday) Tuesday to Saturday* 10am till 2pm.

Alongside the exhibition is a workshop hosted by Anzara. Please see the attached poster for more information.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Temple of Re-Dress - Wearable Art Exhibition

Our next exhibition at ArtsCape is from the talented Anzara Clark.

Her wearable art exhibits are amazing and we are especially lucky she has decided to exhibit with ArtsCape.

The opening is on Friday 19th of June at 6pm. You are all welcome to come and view these amazing works of wearable art.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Out of the Coffin - with Janine Morris and Pam Thorne

Today there was a free community workshop, Out of the Coffin at ArtsCape.

Participants learned to make string from a variety of fibers and talked openly about life, death, grief and loss. It was a very thoughtful morning.

Thankyou Pam Thorne and Janine Morris.

To find out more about the project or attend their other workshops click here.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Conflict and Compassion Opening

Last night was our opening of our Heritage Festival display.
The night was cold but definatly bearable. We thank everyone that manged to attend.

The display will be on ArtsCape's walls till the end of this month.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Bookings Made Easier

Hello All,

We have been very efficient here at ArtsCape and we are pleased to announce the addition of an online calender system. This will allow easy access to what's on in our space and allow everyone to see the spaces available for booking. Any bookings for the building space can be made through our committee or through our email (preferred)

The calender is able to be viewed by the public by scrolling down to the bottom of this webpage. If you cannot see it or have a problem please report it to us so that it may be fixed.

Please look here for a list of our fees for use of the building space and the procedure for making a booking.
Don't forget that fees for community groups and members are normally free.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Conflict and Compassion

You are invited:

Two stories from the Wynyard community. Their stories illustrate “conflict & compassion” the theme of this year’s National Trust Heritage Festival.

The community is invited to attend and view the presentation on the large outdoor screen at ArtsCape in Wynyard

Inside ArtsCape there will be displays.
Hot soup and damper will be available on the night.

It will be an unforgettable evening.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Membership Reminder

Thankyou to each and everyone of you that support ArtsCape and its programs. Without your continued support our committee could not bring to you the wide range of programs though the year.

Very shortly we will be sending out invoices to our past members who have not resigned up to our membership program for 2015. We would really appreciate if this could be rectified as soon as possible. If you are currently not a member then we would also love for you to become one. You will find all the details on the invoice attached.

By becoming a member to ArtsCape you are directly supporting grass roots arts programs. We are a not for profit organisation that is run by a dedicated committee of volunteers. We strive to bring the best in community exhibition programs, events and workshops whist offering a home to all arts practices in our region.

We welcome all to get involved in our group regardless of age, arts practice or skill level. We love to help first time exhibitors with their first exhibition and open our doors to community groups needing space.

We are open to anyone sitting on our committee and working with us to provide quality arts programing for Wynyard Tasmania.

For more information please email

Monday, April 6, 2015

Youth Week Photography Workshop And Exhibition

Last week something amazing happened at ArtsCape. Naomi Fenton and Michelle Walker hosted the very first iPhoneography workshop for Seedsmiths. It was a fantastic day.
With some funding from the local council and the National Youth Week people we were fortunate to be able to offer it to the local youth for FREE.
The kids were amazing. They were like sponges and took everything in.  We saw minds and perspectives change in a small amount of time. We saw concentration and enthusiasm in creating better works of art. You can look at some of their works on instagram under the hash tags #itstartswithus #YW2015 #getyourgridon. The workshop was also blogged about on the Seedsmiths Website.

On this Friday night at 6pm ArtsCape will be hosting a gallery opening of photos from the youth between the ages of 12-18. We would love it if you could attend.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

ArtsCape Annual General Meeting

You are warmly invited to attend

ArtsCape's AGM

at 6 pm on Friday 27th February

Nominations are invited for any of the Committee positions. Please contact the Secretary by email: or call 0457 679504

The short meeting will be followed by refreshments and a discussion on the programme of events for 2015.