Saturday, January 5, 2013

ArtsCape in 2013!


Happy New Year to all our members and welcome to visitors who may like to join us.  We are putting together a programme of events for 2013 which will include exhibitions, talks and workshops. Watch this space!

Knitting Group : Friday 1st February, 10 am - 12 md

Apologies for postponing the last session but we are delighted to tell you that at the next one we will have an experienced knitter sharing her skills and knowledge of how to create or adapt your own patterns. The group is very informal and relaxing, both experienced and beginner knitters are very welcome to join us.  Contact Janet for more details:

Made with Love Market : Saturday 9th February, 9 - 1pm

ArtsCape AGM at 6 pm Friday 15th February

Please come and make your wishes known, whether its to vote on Committee members, review of membership fees or future exhibitions, workshops and events.  Nomination Forms available from President or Secretary.   

Next Word Players meeting:  Thursday 21st February at 7 pm

Next ArtsCape Talk:  Saturday 30th March at 2 pm